Friendship Quilters
In the Quinte Quilters Guild, Friendship Quilters have come to be known for quilts made for people in need or who are ill in the community. There is a need for quilts year round for warmth, comfort, and for a feeling that someone cares.
​Placemats donated...​
100 to Belleville Meals on Wheels
6 to Lutheran Church
50 to Tyendinaga
50 to Westminster Church….hampers
132 to Centre Hastings Meals on Wheels​
Total placemats donated…
including the ones made by Tweed….338
​Quilts donated...
10 to Children’s Foundation
12 to Three Oaks
8 to Victim Services
5 to Pregnancy and Family Care
plus 14 burp pads
7 to Red Cedars
7 toYouth Habitat
7 toTyendinaga Home and Community
6 to QHC Oncology
3 to Quilts for Survivors
Total quilts donated….65


Friendship Quilters meet twice a month, excluding summer
Location: Lutheran Church, 516 Victoria Ave. Belleville
When : 2nd and 4th Fridays of the month
Time: 10am - 2pm.
What to Bring: Bring your sewing machine, plus your skills & enthusiasm to start on or work on a project.
Cost: $0.00 Bring your own lunch.
Friendship Quilters donate to the following organizations:
Three Oaks Women's Shelter
Red Cedars Women's Shelter
Youth Hab
Belleville Pregnancy and Family Services
Highland Shores Children Aid Society
Victim Services
Belleville Oncology Unit
Home and Community Care Palliative Care aka The Access Centre
The Alzheimer's Society for fidget quilts
Home and Community Services Meals on Wheels for Christmas placemats
Centre Hastings Home and Community Services for both placemats and quilts and anyone requesting a quilt for a friend, or someone that they know is going through a rough time in their life.
​In the past we have donated to Kerry's Autism Services and have donated walker bags to local nursing homes - Hastings Manor, The Belmont and Westgate Lodge.
Dignity quilts have also been made for the same nursing homes. These quilts remain the property of the nursing home and are for the use of the funeral home when they attend the nursing home to pick up a deceased resident. ​